Why, What, How
Where do you find yourself as a teacher?
1.0, 2.0 or 3.0?
Graphic source above: Education 1.0 to Education 3.0 - The Shift - from a document by Jackie Gerstein
WHAT could Education 3.0 look like in a Christian school?
Below is a foundational document that describes Deeper Learning in a Christian school context.
Additional Reading
Aligning Philosophy and Practice to Propel Potential
What matters? What matters! Three Foundations of Christian Deeper Learning
Deeper Learning in Christian High Schools
Project Based Learning Boosts Student Engagement, Understanding
New Strong Evidence Supporting PBL
Preparing our Kids for the Innovation Era
If you are confused about the difference between projects and project based learning - this might help:
Project Based Learning - start here
Doing a Project vs. Project Based Learning - take the quiz to check your understanding!
8 Steps for Teaching Through Project Based Learning
A PBL Classroom is an Inclusive Classroom
Project Based Learning Made Easier!
Many more examples can be found on the Models page on this site.