Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
New York CCSS Curriculum developed by Expeditionary Learning
Crosswalk Analysis of Deeper Learning Skills to Common Core State Standards with the accompanying data tables
Interdisciplinary Projects: 3 Protocols for Finding Curricular Connections
15 Ideas to Ensure That Project Based Learning is Grounded in Content And Standards
Protocols for engaging all students - EL Education - below - great resource!
*See resource listings also under each of the Models listed on the Models tab. This list is meant to be representative, not exhaustive.
Deeper Learning Planning Guide - Monica Martinez
Book: Transforming Schools: Using Project-Based Learning, Performance Assessments, and Common Core Standards - Bob Lenz, 2015, Joosey-Bass
Book: Leaders of Their Own Learning: Transforming Schools Through Student Engaged Assessment - Ron Berger, Expeditionary Learning
Book: Deeper Learning: How Eight Innovative Public Schools Are Transforming Education in the Twenty-First Century. Monica R. Martinez and Dennis McGrath
Interesting tools on this site - Next Generation Learning Challenges
Project Based Learning Lesson Plans & Examples – 18 Resources - a listing as well of other project sources as you scroll down the page
Education World has a list of Project Based Learning resources teachers can use in the classroom:
GlobalSchoolNet: With this site, teachers have access to e-learning projects worldwide to develop science, math, literacy, communication skills, foster teamwork, and more.
High Tech High: High Tech High has seven successful PBL projects for teachers to grab to use in their classroom. Here's one example: This New House: "In a study of sustainable architecture, students work in pairs to create a scale site plan, scale floor plans, scale exterior elevations, a scale architectural model of the home, and a pamphlet explaining the design."
PBL Lab: This website provides activities, research, projects, and other resources teachers can use for PBL instruction.
Houghton Mifflin's Project-Based Learning Space: On this site, teachers can get background knowledge on PBL theory, how to use it in the classroom, and have access to different projects for students.
Intel Teach Elements: With these online professional development courses teachers can take animated tutorials to learn about PBL concepts. Teachers can take the PBL course online, or order the Intel PBL CD.