Christian Deeper Learning
Assignment for this exploration session:
Go to the next tab above - "Why, What, and How?" and review the 1.0 to 3.0 graphics.
On the same tab read and discuss the CDL Foundational Document with a colleague.
Go to the tab "Models" and scroll down to TfT (Teaching for Transformation). Explore the videos and presentations appropriate for your grade level.
Continue to explore the other five models on the "Models" tab. Each of the models are hyperlinked to a blog post explaining the model happening in a Christian school setting. Feel free to also explore the "Resources" and "Leading Change" tabs on this site.
While exploring, keep in mind the two questions that you will be ready to answer when you return:
"What did I learn?"
"What questions do I have?"
Please be considerate of others' need for quiet/focus and move to a good space if you are working collaboratively or processing verbally.
Please return to the large group at the assigned time.
How this site is organized:
Why, What , and How - Why must we change? What does it mean to move from Education 1.0 to 3.0? What does Christian Deeper Learning mean? What does it look like compared to traditional classrooms? How can I start learning about project based learning?
Models of Deeper Learning happening in Christian schools - we currently have identified 6 active models occurring in Christian schools. Click on the name of the model to read an introductory blog post. Resources and examples are included under each model.
Resources - this is a bank of additional resources ranging from specific classroom ideas to the bigger picture.
Leading Change - moving to a project based approach presents challenges - read blog posts that discuss the philosophical foundations and change processes needed to lead change at the school level. Results of the "Am I Nurturing Faith" survey can also be found at the bottom of this page.
Where Can I Learn More About Christian Deeper Learning?
Please consider coming to next year's Christian Deeper Learning conference!
Location: Surrey Christian School in Surrey, British Columbia
Date: March 8-10, 2023
For more info talk to Dan, co-chair of the event, or see our website.
Sign up for our weekly blog on our website: